Week 5: Fight to the North
February 8, 2021
Hello readers!
Too often do we think of LGBTQ+ Rights as a battle that is occurring and evolving in our own backyard and forget that this is a global struggle.
This week, our neighbors to the north celebrate what has been called the "Canadian Stonewall" for on February 5, 1981 a riot had taken place sparked by the discriminatory actions of the local law enforcement. Toronto police stage a raid on multiple bathhouses in Canada, arresting 305 men (the largest mass arrest in history) which prompt a riot and protest the following night.
This is an important moment in history for the LGBTQ+ people because it reminds us that while there are many issues and battles that we must face domestically, but there are also issues that our brothers and sisters in other countries are decades behind us on.
Where we are fortunate now to be able to love how we want without legal ramifications, in other countries the law can lead homosexuals to be arrested, jailed, or put to death for being in love with who they love.
Do we have more fight to do within our own country? YES! However, the fight is not just one of domestic relevance. Gay Rights are Human Rights, and equality is not just for one nationality but for the whole human race.
We are members of one race, the human race and until we can ensure that all walks of that race share equal rights, privilege's, and respect our battle is not over.
Remember Readers,
Embrace your loved ones, stay safe, and wear your mask!
– Joey ToGayOrNotToGay.