Week 4: Minnesota Discrimination Ban of 1991
January 31, 2021
Hello Readers!
January 29th, 1991, Republican Governor of Minnesota signed an executive order banning discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community in the public sector.
I chose this event to show that LGBTQ+ rights are not just a Democrat tool for votes. We have to stop looking at the political party of an individual when it comes to who we vote for. Party does not necessarily match ideology and view. Conservative and Liberal does not = Republican and Democrat. There are plenty of both views throughout either side.
In the spirit of Unity that President Biden and Vice-President Harris are striving to include in their administration, I would like all of us to ponder this.
Love is the guiding force of what we need to concentrate on. Let’s not harbor hate towards a person because of their political affiliation; look past their affiliation, respect one another's’ differences, and have openminded and constructive conversations. The intent of these conversations is to educate and allow a person to think critically.
Extremists exist on both sides and it is sad that the extremists become what we are associated with. Where I work, everyone I am surrounded by is Republican, the conversations they have frustrate me, but I have learned to allow them to have their beliefs because they are genuinely good people. There are times I will join their conversation when they lump all of one group into a single category; but I do not try to have an argument or debate because I am highly out numbered and a member of management; devoted to keeping the peace and structure of my location.
I hope that this makes everyone think, and realize that we are not political affiliation, we are not our religion, we are not left or right, or members of different races or nationalities, we are human beings. Homo sapien sapien.
Thank you readers and remember:
Embrace your loved ones, stay safe, and wear your mask!
– Joey ToGayOrNotToGay.