Return of Ignorance: Don't Say Gay Pt. 2
February 27, 2022
Hello Readers!
In one of my first blogs written on here, I discussed the second coming of the “Don’t Say Gay” bill in the state of TN. This was back in 2013, and who would have thought that nine years later I would be writing about yet another state that is trying to Ban and erase the word “gay” from the schools.
I am not sure about all of my readers; However, I knew from a very young age that I was not “normal”. I may not have known exactly what was different, but I knew that I did not think, react, and see the world as a binary, black and white existence. I found myself able to admire not only the beauty in women but men as well. I knew I was different, I just did not know, how. I struggled with my sexuality as I grew up. I learned that I was not normal, I was a “freak” and I let that play in my head over and over again until I had hated myself much more than I realized was possible. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school that I accepted myself fully and embraced myself.
I grew up in Delaware a state that leans more on the liberal side of the spectrum. My struggle was internalized homophobia that sprouted from a combination of religious and unrealized familial homophobia. Kids are cruel, and we know that, but teachers were my saving grace. There were many times that I found myself leaning on the guidance of one of my teachers to bring me back from dark places. They accepted who I was even if they did not relate, they supported me and were an ally.
Since my time in school, there has been a lot of progression in the normalization of the LGBTQIA+ community. However, every couple of years we see the rise of discrimination, bigotry, and marginalization. Former leadership in this country has normalized hate and given voices to those that previously hated in silence.
I will not say that it was ever gone, ignorance will always exist; however, it was not vocal and front-facing. And as we see some things getting better, we have other states and individuals pushing a hate-filled agenda.
Over the past few months, we have seen a rise in attempts to censor and invalidate huge parts of history. The same people that are against “Cancel Culture” are the ones that are trying to erase formative lessons from our schools. From books and teachings on the holocaust to the realistic and historical implications of systemic racism, misogyny, and discrimination. If there is something that makes the cis-gendered heteronormative white man look bad, it is being removed from schools and white-washing and Christian-washing our educational system and government.
Therefore when we prohibit our educational system from teaching the history and facts that have built the nation, we are invalidating the fight and struggle of entire societies in favor of remaining ignorant to the hurt and pain that was caused.
At the root of these bills, we are seeing arguments that are based in religious belief and not in statistics or fact. Removing the word or mention of homosexuality, same-sex couples, and anything other than heterosexual-normative life is telling one child that his two moms are second-class, or another that their feelings of being a boy/girl/non-conforming is invalid and cause internalized self-hate and lack in confidence.
These bills cause the rate of LGBTQ+ youth suicides to increase. They harbor and allow bullying and hate to grow. They tell children that their life or the lives of their parents and loved ones are sub-par and of less value than their friends’ heteronormative family. It fosters a precedent to further isolate and alienate youth that is already at higher risk for suicide, substance abuse, and psychological trauma.
The scary part is the religious basis of these bills and laws that are being created. What is forgotten is that in addition to freedom of religion, there is also freedom FROM religion. The government, local, state, and federal should not be making laws based in religious belief or bias. Beliefs are not facts, and even when faced with facts, beliefs are still ruling the decisions of lawmakers in this country.
If you live in Florida please, write to your local representatives on the implications that these bills will set. The lessons that erasing an entire group of Americans will have on the youth. They are not only erasing members of communities but they are erasing the family members and loved ones of children. They are making it to where someone is unable to share information about their family members. Most importantly, these bills deteriorate the ability of children to learn critical thinking skills. It limits their ability to formulate their own opinions and ideas. It crushes creativity and ultimately sets children up to enter a growingly global environment in which they are unable to perform at the maximum of their potential.
Florida is not the only state where attacks on gay and trans youth are occurring. Protect our youth and stop putting them in further danger.
Remember: the similarities in all humans far exceed the differences; however, the differences are what is being focused on. We need to share love and break down the barriers that foster hate.
There is no better you than your authentic you!
Love, Light, and Happiness!
-Joey C.
To Gay or Not to Gay